Tcl program to find out unique/odd elements using XOR

Write a Tcl program to find out unique/odd elements from the list 1,3,5,7,7,5,3,1,9.

Input : 1,3,5,7,7,5,3,1,9
output : 9

While there are multiple ways to achieve this, as a hashtagVLSI engineer, we'll leverage the hashtagXOR operation. XOR (exclusive OR) results in 1 when two inputs are different and 0 when they are equal. In our program, every number appears twice except for 9. Therefore, by XOR-ing all elements in the list, the result will be 9, the unique/odd element.

Below is Tcl Program:

hashtag# Define the list
set lst [list 1 3 5 3 1 5 9]

hashtag# Initialize a variable to store the result
set result 0

hashtag# iterate through the list and XOR all elements

foreach num $lst {
set result [expr {$result ^ $num}]

hashtag# The 'result' variable now contains the odd element

puts "The odd element in the list is: $result"

"This works well if we have a single unique element, but if there are two or more unique elements, a little extra effort is needed to code that. Please share your thoughts in the comments."

#coding #tcl #programming #xor #physicaldesign #pd #pv #Tcl #infineon #freshers #jobs #india #semiconductor #vlsi #scripting



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