Low Power Design | Physical Design | Dynamic: Switching & Short Circuit Power | Part 3
Low Power Design | Physical Design | Dynamic: Switching & Short Circuit Power | Part 3 Dynamic Power: Dynamic power is the energy consumed by a circuit when it's actively switching, processing information, and performing tasks. This type of power consumption is a result of the dynamic currents that flow through the circuit, including capacitance currents and short-circuit currents. Switching Power Dissipation Switching power dissipation occurs when the circuit's capacitances are charged and discharged, resulting in a flow of current. This power dissipation can be calculated using the equation Pswitch = α * (Vdd)^2 * CL * f, where α is the switching activity, Vdd is the supply voltage, CL is the total load capacitance, and f is the frequency of operation. The switching activity, α, is a measure of how often the circuit's outputs change state, and it's a critical parameter in determining the circuit's power consumption. Pswitching = α * (Vdd)^2 * CL * f, where: α ...